What Is Air Balancing? Best Practices to Cool Your Home Evenly

Professional Services
Mar 22, 2022

Hot and cold spots can drastically affect the comfort of your home. It can feel like walking from the tropics into the arctic in the most extreme cases.


This common problem, known as air balancing, is easy to solve.


But what is air balancing, how can you take care of it yourself, and when do you need to call in the professionals?

What Is Air Balancing? 

Air balancing is the process of testing and adjusting the intake and outtake system of your heating and air conditioning unit to distribute air evenly throughout your house.


Air balancing ensures that the HVAC output is working consistently throughout your home or business and that every room is comfortable. Air balancing will increase air circulation and energy efficiency while decreasing overall energy costs when performed correctly.


Some of these tricks in air balancing are easy to do yourself, while others will require the help of a professional. There are no better professional heating and cooling specialists in Sheboygan, WI, than those at Professional Services.

The Benefits of Air Balancing

Aside from making your home more livable, air balancing can provide other benefits.


Since air balancing requires the testing and adjusting of your HVAC system, by simply going through the process, you can learn so much more about your HVAC system than you would normally. Here are some examples of things you may discover as you work with your heating and air system:


  • Damaged or loose air ducts
  • Air ducts that were installed incorrectly (too big, too small, etc.)
  • Improper air duct joints (too sharp of a turn, loose-fitting joints, etc.)
  • Blockages


All of those things may impact and impair your home’s airflow. These issues can lead to more significant problems if left untreated.


Air balancing offers many other benefits. If your heating and air system is not having to work extra hard to pump air into an unbalanced room, you can expect your utility bills to go down—sometimes significantly.


Air balancing will also reduce the overall wear and tear on your HVAC system, allowing its ducts to work harder, longer, and more efficiently.


Finally, it is vital to consider air quality and circulation in a post-pandemic world. We are all worried about contaminates lingering in the air. Still, air balancing can help lower the amount of dust, mold, pollen, and bacteria suspended in the air through air circulation.

Things You Can Do on Your Own

There are a couple of simple things that you can do to improve the air balance in your home.


Most of these hacks will only take a few minutes. Others may take longer, but they are all easy enough to be done without the help of an HVAC professional.

Check the Register

The “register” refers to the grate that connects your HVAC system to a given room in your home. Often called a “diffuser” or a “vent,” the register is the easiest thing to adjust.


You’ll notice a small lever controlling the interior blades that can either open or shut off the airflow at one side of your register. Most people will either open the blades or completely close them, but if you close them a little in rooms that receive too much airflow, that can drastically affect your air balancing.


You should never close the register all the way, as this will put undue strain on your HVAC system. Experts usually suggest only closing it about 80%, right before you start to hear the air as it’s pushed through the register.


Always make sure you’re not blocking the register. Furniture or other items placed in front of the register will make it work that much harder. Experts usually suggest clearing at least 18 inches of space around floor and wall registers to prevent that from happening.

Change Filters

Your filters help prevent contaminants from entering your duct system. As a result, they often get clogged with dirt and dust.


You can allow more air to flow through your HVAC system by changing your filters. This process also keeps particulates like pollen and mold out of your home. Assuming you are changing your filters correctly and regularly, you can significantly extend the life of your HVAC system.

Install Curtains

It may seem silly, but adding curtains to a room can affect the temperature. Even in colder seasons, about 76% of the sunlight hitting windows is converted into heat.


It doesn’t just have to be curtains, but blinds, shades, or even drapes will keep out the sunlight’s heat. These blinders will make your home much more energy-efficient and stylish, too.

Things You Will Need a Professional to Look At

The following suggestions will all require the help of an HVAC contractor to go over. If you’re thinking about doing any of these yourself, realize that they are not for the faint of heart.

Fix Ducts

Improper installation could result in rips and tears, loose joints, or sharp angles that may pose a safety hazard.


All of these are things an HVAC professional can fix.


Sometimes, homes were never given proper insulation when they were built. If you suspect this is a problem, hiring an expert is the best way to deal with the issue.


Their expertise will allow them to conduct a thorough inspection and give you options for fixing it.


Check the Size of Your HVAC System

During their evaluation, a professional will be able to see whether your HVAC system is correctly proportioned for the size of your house. Whether it is too big or too small, an improperly sized system can cause issues.


Final Thoughts on Air Balancing

Air Balancing is the best way to regulate your home's temperature and prevent cold or hot spots.


While it is the best and the easiest way for you to handle things yourself, it is not the only way to maintain your heating and cooling. Get in touch with us today to learn more about AC maintenance.

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