Boiler Repair in Cedarburg, WI

Providing Heating, AC, Geothermal and Emergency Generator service in Ozaukee and Washington counties, WI

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Boiler Repair in Cedarburg, WI

If you're like most homeowners, your boiler is one of those appliances you just can't live without. So when your boiler starts to malfunction, you need prompt, dependable boiler repair service from an experienced HVAC contractor in Cedarburg, WI.

Count on Us

At Professional Services, we offer boiler repair services to those looking to salvage their existing boilers. Though it's not always cost-efficient to repair an old boiler, in many cases, paying for boiler repairs can help extend the life of your unit for many years.

We can evaluate the state of your boiler to determine whether it's worth repairing. And if we find that your boiler can effectively be saved, we'll do our best to get it fixed as quickly as possible so that you can resume your daily routine without having to worry about a lack of heat or hot water. Best of all, when you choose Professional Services, you'll get:

  • Quality workmanship
  • Reasonable boiler repair rates
  • Flexible payment plans
  • Great customer service

Hot Water Boiler Heating and Boiler Repair in Cedarburg, Wisconsin

Hot water heating has been a popular way to create warmth since ancient times. Today, modern boiler systems, powered by natural gas or electricity, are heating homes across the country. While boiler heating systems are long-lasting, they eventually age, and the question of repair or replacement becomes an important one.

Boiler repair companies, such as Professional Services of Cedarburg, WI, are uniquely trained and suited to evaluate your hot water boiler furnace system, check for leaks and other problems, and repair the system if at all possible.

What Is a Hot Water Boiler Furnace?

Hot water boiler systems utilize the principle of radiant heat. The water heats in a boiler and circulates through the house or building via pipes. These pipes either radiate the heat up through the floor or lead to a radiator that releases heat into the room and warms your home.

There are three kinds of hot water boiler furnaces:

Gravity flow



Gravity Hot Water Heating Systems

Gravity-based hot water heating systems are the oldest type of heating system in the world. In a gravity flow hot water furnace, the thermal and density differences between hot and cold water propel the water through the pipes.

In the gravity flow heating system, hot water is forced up. In contrast, cold water flows back to the boiler to be heated, continuing the circulation cycle.

Forced Circulation Heating System

The plumbing of a forced circulation heating system is very much the same as that of a gravity system. The main difference is that a pump supports circulation, making it more effective and more efficient. The heated water circulates more quickly and can produce a more uniform temperature throughout the house. It is also easier to control the temperature with this system.

Hot Water Baseboard System

Hot water baseboard heating, or hydronic heating, is also a type of radiant heat. Hot water baseboard heating is more technologically advanced, replacing the traditional radiator with a convection-based system.

Baseboard systems utilize the scientific principle that hot air rises and cold air sinks. Placing the heating source at the floor level ensures that the warm air introduced at the floor level rises, displacing the cold air as it goes.

Boiler Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance of your boiler heating system is essential to avoid significant problems and keep your furnace running smoothly. An annual furnace tune-up performed by a trained boiler repair service technician will highlight any existing and potential issues.

You can do some things to help maintain your hot water boiler furnace and improve its heating performance. Two essential tasks should always be completed in the autumn before the heating season begins.

At least once a year, the air vent valves should be opened to release the air that becomes trapped inside. Air rises through the water, so the system's highest points will collect most air pockets. Begin removing the air at the highest points and work your way down through the radiators since air will become trapped in all areas of the system.

Next, the water in the radiators should be drained out and replaced periodically. Minerals will build up in the radiator's pipes, especially if the circulating water is unfiltered. When minerals build up, they can limit the flow of water through the pipes, decreasing the furnace’s heating performance efficiency.

FAQs About Boiler Heating

  • What Are Some Reasons You May Need Boiler Replacement?

    Boilers may fail and need a replacement for several reasons. Pumps can fail, and electrical systems can stop working altogether. Also, if air gets into the system or the water pressure drops, it can lead to the system not moving the water correctly. If the water doesn’t move correctly through the furnace system, the boiler cannot properly radiate the heat.

    The water within the radiator and pipes may freeze in freezing temperatures, resulting in cracks, water leaks, and other damage.

  • Is My Boiler Operating Efficiently?

    The best way to answer that is to have a boiler tune-up to assess the system. Service technicians from Professional Services can assess the system to evaluate its efficiency and detect any technical problems that could cause issues down the road.

  • How Is a Boiler Replaced?

    Depending on the type of boiler system you have, it can be simple or complicated to install them. A skilled furnace installation technician will conduct a thorough analysis of your home’s water distribution system so that you can make the best heating choice for your home’s unique needs.

    For more information about our boiler service and our other heating and air conditioning services, contact Professional Services of Cedarburg, WI at (262) 268-9767.

Call Today

When your boiler starts acting up or stops performing as well as it should, don't wait to get it serviced. Call Professional Services, and let us repair your boiler before the problem gets worse.



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