The Top Benefits of a Generator for Your Home

Professional Services
May 20, 2023

When severe storms rage, and power grids fail, your family doesn't have to suffer. Anyone who's gone without power knows the benefits of a generator. Continue reading to discover why you need a generator.

Are you ready to purchase your generator? Contact Professional Services, Port Washington's emergency generator installation service. We'll help you keep the lights on. Call us at 262-218-2636 and speak with a representative today.

Mitigates Health Risks

Extreme temperatures pose a risk to your entire household. When you lose power, you can't run your air conditioner or furnace.

If you have vulnerable adults and children in your home, you can't afford to suffer freezing or scorching temperatures. Installing a generator ensures you keep your appliances running during your family's most vulnerable moments.

Suffering a power outage can also tempt you to find a more comfortable or secure destination. Moving to a new location during severe weather can prove dangerous, even if it's worth the risk.

A generator provides safety during storms through consistent power and reduces the need to move to a secure location during times of emergencies.

Reduces Expenses

A prolonged power outage can cause costly damages. Without power during the winter, your pipes might freeze and burst. During the summer, a dead refrigerator means replacing spoiled food.

If you have a sump pump, severe weather makes the worst time for it to fail. Repairing flood damage requires a substantial investment, and you could suffer health risks for years to come. Keep your sump pump running and avoid costly flooding.

You might also need to spend money on a hotel, travel, or eating out if outages last more than a day. While you'll spend money upfront to buy and install a generator, it can help you avoid thousands of dollars of expenses during and after an outage.

It Protects Appliances

One of the most overlooked benefits of a generator includes that it protects essential appliances. Appliances prove most vulnerable when the electricity returns right after a power outage. By providing a consistent source of power, the generator prevents a post-outage power spike from frying your appliances.

Provides Emergency Power

The most obvious benefit of a generator stems from the backup power it provides. Whether you want it out of necessity or to maintain your comfort, you deserve a consistent source of power during the good times and bad.

Your generator could benefit the entire neighborhood. With a backup power source, you can provide refuge during severe weather. Your neighbors will thank you, and you can take pride in giving back to your community. 

Provides Versatile Power

If you choose a portable generator, you can have power anytime, anywhere. While everyone thinks of using a generator during severe weather, you can also use them for non-emergencies. How can you use your portable source of power?


If you frequently use tools, a portable generator grants you amazing flexibility. If you're a professional contractor or construction worker and don't already have one, consider purchasing one.

A portable generator allows you to use your tools anywhere in an emergency or to help a neighbor in need.


Generators make a perfect option for family gatherings and recreational activities like camping. If on an extended trip, it can power tablets and cell phones without worry.

You can watch movies in your backyard or even at the beach. Need floodlights for an outdoor game night? The generator can provide that too!

How To Choose Your Generator

A portable generator offers the benefit of flexibility when compared to a permanent home generator and can still provide all the power you need. They come in several different sizes, so how do you choose which is right for you?

Your primary concern when choosing a generator should focus on what you'll need it for. The size you require differs depending on if you use it as a backup power source versus for tools or recreation.

If you restrict your generator's use to low-demand usages like power tools and household entertainment electronics, you'll only need the smallest size.

Purchase a mid-size generator for activities with medium power requirements. These include powering a small camper or a larger outdoor entertainment system.

Are you using your generator as a backup power source for your entire home? Buy the largest models to ensure it meets all your needs.

Call Professional Services for Generator Installation and Repairs

Are you convinced about the benefits of a generator? Whether you suffer from a lack of a generator or a generator backfire, Professional Services can help.

We service generators with expert knowledge. Call us at 262-218-2636 to start the process today!

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