8 Reasons Why your Heat Pump is not Heating Enough

Professional Services
Jan 28, 2022

Is your heat pump not warming your home? There could be several reasons your heat pump is out of commission, so we’ve compiled this list to help you find the solution.

Contact the top heating and cooling experts in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, if you’re experiencing any of the following problems:

1. A Faulty Thermostat

Perhaps your air pump is working just fine, but your thermostat requires attention. It sets the heat pump to your desired temperature.

If this device is malfunctioning, it can’t communicate with your heat pump. Have a professional check your thermostat for issues with the screen or program.

Note: If the heat pump is reaching the temperature set on your thermostat, but it’s blowing air that feels cold to you, the heat pump is probably working just fine.

Keep in mind that heat pumps do not function like furnaces which blow very hot bursts of air. Instead, they produce a steady stream of warm air. This air is usually between 85 and 93° F, but that air feels cool to us because our body temperatures average 98.6° F.

2. Clogged or Dirty Air Filter

The air filter protects your lungs from airborne contaminants and prevents fire hazards within the home by trapping debris in your heating pump system. However, the filter does need to be changed occasionally, similar to your clothes dryer’s lint catcher.

When the filter is full, the clogged debris blocks airflow to the evaporator coil and prevents the heat from blowing. Checking your air filter should be the first step in investigating any issues with your heat pump systems. If the filter is exceptionally dirty, change it.

You could also be having issues because your air ducts are clogged. The air ducts keep the warm air circulating properly, so if there’s a blockage, your home won’t receive an adequate amount of warm air. An experienced technician can solve this issue by providing a proper cleaning that meets EPA standards.

Cleaning your air ducts will not only warm the air in your house, but it will help your pump produce cleaner, healthier air. Remember also to have your air ducts periodically inspected for any additional blockages or even leakage. Having your ducts sealed can prevent any further leakage.

3. Low Refrigerant Charge 

The heat pump uses refrigerant to pull heat into your home. A low refrigerant level will prevent the heat pump from bringing enough heat to warm your house adequately.

While you may be able to change your air filter on your own, you should avoid tampering with your refrigerant without the help of a skilled heating technician. If the refrigerant levels are low, there is likely a leak that requires repair.

4. Blocked Outdoor Unit

The heat pump pulls heat from the outside air. If leaves, grass, toys, or other obstructions block the outdoor unit, the pump cannot draw any air for heating.

Blockages may be especially common after weather storms that blow snow or heavy piles of leaves in front of your unit. Clean the outdoor unit and remove any crowding debris. 

5. Loss of Power to the Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit may have lost power. Your heat pump heats cold air by passing that air over hot coils inside the unit. If the unit loses power, those coils cannot heat up; thus, the pump cannot warm the air before it enters your home.

Check your power switch in the circuit box to see if the circuit breaker to the outdoor unit has failed. If you can’t reset it yourself, you should contact a technician as soon as possible.

6. Broken Reversing Valve

Many modern heat pumps are highly versatile and have both heating and cooling functions. These heat pumps are designed with a feature known as the reversing valve to help them quickly switch from hot to cool settings and vice versa.

If this valve malfunctions, the heat pump will not properly heat your home. Have a professional technician inspect your outside unit to see what’s going on.

7. Frozen Air Pump

As previously mentioned, to heat your home, a heat pumps heats the outside air then blows it inside your home. If you’re constantly turning up the heat setting on your thermostat to no avail, your heat pump is failing to draw in that air to heat.

This failure could be due to the pump itself freezing over. This is very probably on a particularly icy winter day. You may step outside to find your heat pump completely covered in ice. The heat pump won’t typically freeze over on its own, so you may need to investigate the source of the issue and determine if you need a professional’s help.

Sometimes the cause is simple: perhaps it snowed recently, and the pump has been completely encapsulated. Shoveling the surrounding snow should fix your issue quickly.

However, if you notice the heat pump is leaking refrigerant, you will likely need to contact a professional. The refrigerant is the substance that absorbs the heat, so low refrigerant levels will prevent the heat pump from functioning effectively. Refrigerant is a chemical best handled by an experienced technician, so call a professional if you notice this issue.

8. You Need a Stronger Heat Pump

Sometimes the cold is simply too powerful for your current air pump to handle. Air-to-air heat pumps (meaning they draw in outside air and blow warm air into your home) may not be strong enough to heat your home if you live in a harsher, frigid climate. If you live in an extremely cold place, your heat pump is working overtime to heat extremely cold air.

If that’s the case, your best option may be to install an alternative heating system. Propane is an excellent option for those living in areas where the temperatures regularly plunge below freezing. Propane burns quite easily and is very hot.

For more information about heat pump services by Professional Services, please call 262-218-2636 today.

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