Here's What to Do With Exposed Electrical Wires

Professional Services
Jun 30, 2023

When you have electrical problems, Professional Services provides prompt and high-quality help. Call us at 262-218-2636.

Have you noticed dangerous-looking wires protruding from your outlets or appliances? If you're wondering what to do with exposed electrical wires, continue reading. 

When you need electrical inspections or to update your wiring, Professional Services is here to help. We provide industry-leading guarantees and can customize your electrical system to suit your needs. With such high-quality service, it's no wonder we're the top-rated electrical and HVAC service in the North Milwaukee area.

The Risk of Exposed Wires

While not all exposed wires are active, the ones that maintain electrical currents can pose serious risks to your family and home.


When exposed electrical wiring sparks, it can set fire to the surrounding wall or structure. This happens when the grounding wire and hot (active) wire touch. Electrical fires are some of the most dangerous forms of combustion because they start quickly and spread easily. 


Exposed wires are a significant risk for electric shock. These shocks are powerful and can easily result in serious injury or death.


Exposed electrical circuits can't deliver an adequate amount of power to connected devices, causing them to draw even more electricity. This can force your system to surge and trip your circuit breaker. If your home experiences frequent power surges, you have an electrical problem and should call a licensed electrician.

Common Locations of Exposed Wires

You can find most exposed wires in appliances, extension cords, or in electrical outlets. Because they're not within the walls, they're more vulnerable to wear and tear or the effects of moving. One thing that makes exposed wires so dangerous is that they're often hidden behind the appliances and go unnoticed until they create problems.

One way to prevent complications from exposed wires is by regularly checking behind all your appliances and in any damaged outlets to confirm the wires are still intact. 

Testing Exposed Wires

When you're wondering what to do with exposed electrical wires, consider having them tested first. You should always have a qualified electrician test wires to avoid safety concerns; however, in an emergency, you can test exposed wires in the following way:

  • Buy a voltage tester from any local hardware store.
  • Hold the voltage tester safely without touching the metal parts.
  • Test the wires by touching the probes to the wire and read the results.

Only test wires yourself if you have no other option.

How to Fix Exposed Wires

Depending on how much damage the wires have sustained, your electrician can use one of several methods to repair an exposed wire. In some cases, the entire appliance, outlet, or circuit may need rewiring. Always call an electrician to repair your wires, but if you must repair them yourselves, shut off power at the circuit breaker before working with the wires.

Electrical Tape

For minor damage, the electrician can wrap electrical tape around the wire. Fortunately, the tape comes in many different colors, so the technician can use tape that most closely matches the color of the wire.

This method is perfect for cables on laptops, phone chargers, and headphones if the damage is minimal, in which case you can wrap the wire yourself provided it's unplugged. Electrical tape wears out over time, so check the repair regularly to ensure that it doesn't need another layer of tape.

Use Sugru

Also known as Formerol, Sugru is a multi-purpose silicone rubber that acts like modeling clay. Electricians can use it to cover exposed wires with moderate damage. Only apply Sugru to low-voltage power cords, like chargers or headphones.

After the electrician wraps the wire in Sugru and molds it correctly, the rubber will harden over 24 hours, providing long-lasting protection to the wire.

Apply Heat Shrink

Heat shrink requires a special material and tools to apply, but provides durable protection to multiple types of exposed wire. If the damage is extensive or over a large portion of the wire, heat shrink is the right choice. It can also repair higher voltage cables like those in vehicles.

Call Professional Services for All Your Electrical Needs

If you're wondering what to do with exposed electrical wires, don't risk your safety or property damage by handling them yourself. Professional Services is available 24/7 to handle all your electrical needs, and we can fix your wires quickly and safely. We're rated number one for our customer satisfaction and amazing service.

When you need electrical rewiring Professional Services is here to help. Book an appointment by calling 262-218-2636.

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