How Is a Heat Pump for an Apartment Maintained by the Landlord?

Professional Services
Oct 20, 2022

While we may typically think of a heat pump as a home HVAC system, it can be just as vital for heating and cooling apartment buildings. Due to space constraints, a heat pump for apartment life will likely be a smaller, ductless version of the system you’d see in a home. The complicating part of using a heat pump in an apartment is understanding who’s responsible for its maintenance. 

In a home, it’s clear that the homeowner must maintain their heat pump to ensure it functions correctly. In an apartment, however, the lines between tenant and landlord responsibility and ownership can blur. The duty of maintaining an apartment heat pump likely depends on the obligations in the lease.

If you’re unsure whether you or your landlord should be doing maintenance and repairs on your heat pump, don’t worry. The trusted
HVAC contractors in West Bend at Professional Services will walk you through the different models of HVAC responsibility. We will also discuss how your landlord should maintain your heat pump, if the heat pump is their responsibility.

For more details on maintaining your heating and cooling systems, call us at
(262) 218-2636.

Models for Determining Heat Pump Maintenance Responsibilities in Apartments

You and your landlord should clearly outline who is responsible for HVAC maintenance in general. Heat pumps fall under that category. Your lease likely uses one of four models to determine who has the duty of HVAC maintenance and repairs.

Landlord-Owned and Maintained

If your apartment already had a heat pump when you moved in, it’s likely your landlord’s property. In the “landlord-owned and maintained” model, your landlord is also responsible for heat pump maintenance. Your rent typically includes the cost of repairs.

Landlord-Owned and Tenant-Maintained

Just because your landlord owns the heat pump doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll maintain it. In this model, you’ll be responsible for maintaining the heat pump, but you won’t have to pay extra for your rent. You may, however, need to show proof of timely maintenance to your landlord.

Landlord-Owned with Shared Maintenance

Shared responsibility for maintaining the landlord-owned heat pump is also common. You may be responsible for heat pump maintenance up to a specific cost. Alternatively, you may be accountable for more minor repairs while your landlord is responsible for significant expenses.

Tenant-Owned and Maintained

If you purchased your heat pump in hopes of better energy efficiency and comfort, you own it. Therefore, you’re also fully responsible for hiring an HVAC maintenance company when necessary.

Call expert HVAC contractors at Professional Services for heat pump maintenance and repairs.

How Does My Landlord Maintain the Heat Pump?

Have you learned that the responsibility for maintaining the heat pump for your apartment falls on your landlord? You’ll want to ensure they’re upholding it. Certain maintenance practices will help your heat pump work more efficiently and last longer.

Ensure your landlord does the following:

  • Replaces the air filters: Air filters pull airborne chemicals and allow clean air to circulate in your home. You’ll experience lower-quality air and less efficiency if they're dirty, resulting in higher heating bills. Your landlord should replace the heat pump’s air filters every three months.
  • Cleans the heat pump: Your heat pump can collect dirt and debris that lessen its effectiveness. Tell your landlord if your heat pump looks dirty or your home won’t cool or heat properly.
  • Checks and cleans out the condensation pan: The condensation pan collects the humidity in the air. If it fills up, it can affect the heat pump’s function, especially in outdoor units.
  • Calls for routine professional maintenance and repairs: Besides these small items that can help your heat pump run efficiently, your landlord should call a professional HVAC company to service your heat pump. We recommend twice-yearly heat pump maintenance and repairs.

When Should I Notify My Landlord That Maintenance Is Necessary? 

Your landlord won’t know whether your heat pump is acting up and needs maintenance or repairs. To help them out, look for the following signs:

  • Your heat pump heats and cools your apartment unevenly or improperly
  • The motor malfunctions
  • The compressor won’t turn on
  • Your heat pump trips the breaker
  • Your heat pump freezes, which can occur with outdoor and indoor units

Call Professional Services Today

Regardless of who oversees the heat pump for your apartment, it deserves service from the best HVAC contractors at Professional Services.

Are you experiencing
furnace problems after a power outage? We’ve got the solutions. Call Professional Services at (262) 218-2636 for top-rated HVAC services in West Bend, WI.

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