Help! Why Are My Appliances Not Working After a Power Outage?

Professional Services
Sep 21, 2023

You quickly realize just how much you rely on electricity when you find your appliances not working after a power outage. Whether it’s for light, listening to music, using your computer, or generating hot water for bathing and cleaning, you need a reliable source of electricity to maintain your quality of life. Understandably, you might even find yourself searching for the “best generator service near me” as you consider new ways to keep a steady flow of electricity to your home, even when the grid has power issues.

Below, the Professional Services team in Port Washington discusses why power outages can be such a problem for your appliances.

Why Appliances May Stop Working After a Power Outage

When the power goes out, all your appliances immediately stop working, even if only for a few minutes. However, when the grid restores power to your home, too much electricity all at once can often result in a power surge that shoots right through every connected appliance in your home. 

Unfortunately, these power surges typically cause permanent damage to your appliances. The good news is that there are some things you can do to prevent damaged appliances in the future.

What To Do When a Power Outage Happens

A power outage could happen due to a severe storm or something unexpected, like a critter or a tree branch that comes into contact with a transformer. Whatever the reason, your home could experience a power surge when the service provider restores the electricity. 

A power surge can cause appliances plugged into your wall outlets to blow and stop working, leaving you with expensive repair or replacement costs. Here’s how you could prevent this issue:

Unplug Major Appliances

As soon as a power outage happens, immediately unplug everything until the electric company restores power. Once this happens, wait a few minutes for the electricity level to even out. Then, plug everything back in.

Check the Breaker Panel

Were you unable to unplug everything and now find that there are some appliances not working after a power outage has come to an end? Check the breaker panel first. A power outage could cause a breaker to trip or a fuse to blow. 

If the breaker tripped, turning it on again will get your appliances working again. If not, you will need to schedule a local electrician like Professional Services to take a look.

Invest in Surge Protectors

One easy way to protect appliances from a power surge is by using surge protectors. You probably know that it’s a smart idea to use a surge protector on a computer, but these handy devices protect all sorts of electrical devices.

There is one drawback to surge protectors you buy at stores—they typically only protect your appliances through one power surge and then need a replacement. Speak to a local electrician like Professional Services about more reliable ways to protect your appliances and outlets.

Install a Whole Home Surge Protector

By far, the best way to protect your appliances is by installing a whole home surge protector. Larger appliances like your stove and refrigerator can’t plug into single-use surge protectors, leaving them vulnerable to a power surge. Plus, there are all sorts of safety hazards that could result in serious injury when you have an electrical problem.

A whole home surge protector will keep your appliances safe if you don’t have time to unplug them all or if a power outage happens when you aren’t home. The cost of installation is well worth it compared to the cost of replacing damaged appliances, gaming consoles, and small gadgets damaged in a power surge.

Protect Home Appliances With Service From a Licensed Electrician

An unexpected power outage could end up damaging your home appliances if you don’t take the necessary measures to protect them. Unplugging your appliances as soon as the power goes out can help, but there’s no guarantee that you will be at home when the power goes out. Why not protect all your appliances and home electronics with a whole home surge protector or chat with the experts about other reliable options that could work for your home?

Whether you discover appliances not working after a power outage or want to harness the benefits of a home generator when the power in your neighborhood goes out, Professional Services can help. Schedule services in Port Washington and the surrounding areas by calling 262-214-5718 or filling out our online contact form for your convenience.

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